
You Conceptualize
We Make It



Techitized is a comprehensive embroidery digitalizing solution. we’ve been helping companies save time by designing and digitalizing blueprints of all your stitching needs. Allowing you to mass-produce photos, logos, patches, seals, and custom embroidery with just a click.



Custom Font

Font style tells a story about your brand. Whether you’re conveying feelings of intelligence and style, creative and inspirations, or innovative and intuitive, the colors and the font typeface determines how your customers react to the words written.

Left Chest Logo

Showing off your own design provides a sense of achievement for your brand. As it describes a part of yourself or your business, having a vividly detailed embroidery offers a unique way to showcase your business.

Jacket Back

Jackets are the piece of clothing that completes your outfit. Having your logo at the back of your jacket can be the best way to separate your business from your competitors.



Techitized designs embroidery that mimics your client’s logo, allowing you to represent it on various apparel and accessories. Providing full control over the color, design, complexity, and finish of the embroidery, get customized stitching that matches your needs today within 24 hours.





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Gonzalo bill Marketing of Realbook

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent pharetra, tellus vitae venenatis aliquam, metus lorem volutpat diam.

Angeline ayala Manager of Agretech

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent pharetra, tellus vitae venenatis aliquam, metus lorem volutpat diam.

Jack flynn Manager of Bankkly


    Frequently Asked

    Photos, drawings, children’s artwork for a start. we do not digitize from works of art that are copyright protected, such as Disney, etc.
    As long as you send me permission, in writing, from the business or club, we would be able to digitize a specific Logo.
    We prefer to charge by the complexity of the design, not by the number of stitches.
    Yes, if you will send us the art work (as a JPEG, BMP, or Vector image file attached in e-mail), a brief description of what you will need, and your name , we will send you a free estimate.
    You let us know when you need it, and we will try to accomodate you. Turn around is within a day or two, again depending on how complex the design is. I will also add that very artistic designs like animals do take a bit longer to do well!
    I ask that you test stitch your design out on your machine before you put it on any garments, as everyone hoops differently and tensions are different. One of the perks that I offer is that I will stay with you on each design until it runs well for YOU!